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来源:西部素质教育 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-10-30
摘要:On the one hand, with the increasing proportion of urban night economy in the overall urban economy, Chinese cities are becoming an almost all-weather city. There are some unique functions and characteristics in time and space. At the same

On the one hand, with the increasing proportion of urban night economy in the overall urban economy, Chinese cities are becoming an almost all-weather city. There are some unique functions and characteristics in time and space. At the same time, new requirements for urban development and construction are put forward. For example, with the booming economy at night, what changes should be made to urban planning? How to carry out urban management?In the emphasis on sustainable development today, night as an indispensable metabolic link in the process of urban life, what impact on the overall development of the city? For this series of questions, we do not have a clear answer. Therefore, it is an urgent task to carry on the systematic research on the urban night economy to promote the rational and healthy development of the city.

On the other hand, with the rapid development of domestic tourism, the tourism industry of our country has changed from the stage of sightseeing tourism to the stage of holiday tourism, and the era of experience economy is coming, and tourism consumers are eager to get deeper satisfaction from leisure vacation. However, at present, the social and economic development of many small and medium-sized tourist cities in Guangxi lags behind, and the supporting facilities of tourism are not perfect, which cannot meet the market demand brought by the development and transformation of the tourism industry. Therefore, it is urgent to analyze, study and put forward feasible strategies in order to promote the development of small and medium-sized tourist cities in Guangxi.

Under this dual background, the author analyzes and studies the supporting facilities of night tourism in small and medium-sized tourist cities in Guangxi based on the professional perspective of urban planning. This paper introduces the strategy of urban economy at night,optimizes the supporting facilities of urban tourism, excavates the productivity of cities at night, and stimulates the economic vitality of small and medium-sized tourist cities at night.It can not only meet the market demand under the current tourism industry transformation,but also promote the sustainable economic development of local cities. It will be of great significance to many small and medium-sized tourist cities in Guangxi, which are rich in tourism resources but limited by location and economy.

This paper puts forward the introduction of landscape economic strategy into the planning process of landscape lighting in small and medium-sized tourism cities in the west, taking the construction of night scene lighting as an opportunity, from the market-oriented operation of landscape lighting facilities layout, “point-axis” development theory to focus on building, The industrial chain linkage development night tourism development three aspects, realizes the city environment quality optimization, the economic benign development win-win effect. And take Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County of Liuzhou City as an example to carry on the concrete the Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County of Liuzhou City as an example for specific analysis.

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图1 夜间城市核心竞争力体系图Fig.1 urban night core competence system

1 景观经济策略提出背景


文章来源:《西部素质教育》 网址: http://www.xbszjy.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1030/542.html


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